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SLExtensions Commands的问题


项目中Slilverlight使用MVVM模式时View的用户交互事件使用的SLExtensions 中的Commands来实现调用ViewModel的事件处理方法。很自然的想到在ViewModel的构造方法中来注册事件处理方法。然而SLExtensions中的Commands采用的是类似静态事件的机制,若程序中有多个同一类型的ViewModel的实例时,事件将被触发多次(等于view modle实例数)因为,每个viewmodel的实例化时都订阅了一遍事件。

看到SLExtension讨论组中有人提到类似问题 ,该项目成员titaye的回答是:

I think you missunderstood how the command pattern is working. Command is just a static event that can be raise from xaml. It allows a better separation betweenbusiness logicand UI. When you add Input:CommandService.Command="MyButtonClick" in your xaml, it will attach a behavior to the xaml control raising the executed command when mouse down is pressed. When the it's raised it will notify all its subscribers. So as you said you are attaching an event handler for each button you are notified several times per click. The code to be invoked on command executionshould be placed in a class managing your business logic. I often use "Controller" class in my samples to handle this logic (you can see the showcasecontroller in the source). This class is created one time andattaches an handler tothe executed event. In yourbusiness logic, you can pass additional data by using the Input:CommandService.CommandParameter on you xaml declaration.


You have a singleton controller to prevent the static commands from broadcasting multiple times which is not expected in business logic, but I need viewmodel to handle the commands requested from views because viewmodels have the state of the views and operations to handle the requests. So viewmodel have to subscribe the commands (static events) and in some cases, I have multiple viewmodels of same type instantiated, then would run into the big problem of same command was handled multiple times (as many as viewmodels' instances) - I know this is not the way that commands should be used as they are static events, but indeed I need viewmodels to subscribe their views' commands not a controller to do this







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